Annual Exams

An annual physical or annual exam is basically a yearly visit to your doctor to make sure that your overall health is good and you don’t have any medical problems that you are unaware of.  This includes screening for gynecologic cancers. A women’s exam includes a breast exam and pelvic exam.  If you are under the age of 21 and not sexually active you will not likely receive a pelvic exam.  Your provider will explain what will occur during the exam and request consent prior to proceeding.  If you have any concerns or questions, it is important to communicate with your provider.  Our staff is here to help you have the most comfortable experience possible.   

Pap smears may be recommended at your annual exam.  Most women think an annual or pelvic exam equal having a pap smear.  They are often performed at the same time, but not always.  A pap smear is not required prior to age 21.  Due to the advances in technology and the addition of HPV, yearly pap testing is no longer recommended for everyone. It may be recommended every 3-5 years depending on your history and symptoms.  Just because you aren’t recommended to have a pap smear annually, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get an annual/pelvic exam.  An annual checkup is important to your health and wellbeing.